University of Florida, Master of Arts in Education(M.A.E) / Mathematics Education
University of Florida, Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D.) / Mathematics Education
(현) 차의과학대학교 차오름교양대학 조교수
(현) 차의과학대학교 사회봉사센터 센터장
가톨릭대학교 강사
고려대학교 교육대학원 강사
고려대학교 사범대학 강사
서강대학교 강사
Kim, S., & Choi, J. (2021). A cross-cultural examination of socio-psychological resources in mathematics achievement between Korea and the US. Social Psychology of Education , 24 (4), 1043-1064.
Choi, J. A., Han, H. S. (2020). Do Parental Attitudes Really Matter to Children’s Mathematics Anxiety? A Meta-Analysis. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(5), 1731 – 1740.
Choi, J. A., & Kwak, M. H. (2019). Topic changes in mathematics educational research based on LDA. Journal of Education & Culture, 25(5), 1149-1176.